About B O D Y S P O K E N

somatic sessions combining bodywork treatment and talking therapy

We are all born with an innate ability to create changes in our life. This is connected to our bodily sense of ourselves, in relation to how we feel, think, and interact with our world.

At times we experience sensations such as discomfort, pain, disconnection, stuckness or inhibition that may stop us from achieving what we truly want.

In times of intensity, challenge or potential opportunities, it is possible to learn to flow with these sensations and tap into a more relaxed and deeper sensation of our body and mind. Through this we can find strength from our past, clarify and align ourselves with our future intentions, and gain insight and vital energy to support a fuller experience of our body, mind and wellbeing.

“The sessions resonate in my body and mind for a long time after and help me make some concrete changes in my life…. I feel safety but also a lot of freedom. Thank you” (Daniel Mang)

My name is Jan-Ming Lee. I hold BODYSPOKEN one-to-one sessions in Bristol and in London; as well as group workshops introducing people to the basic elements of somatic bodywork.

I am trained in The Pantarei Approach which is a body-based approach that combines talking therapy with hands-on empathetic touch & movement.

What Happens?

We usually start speaking together in conversation. 

The verbal conversation is a way to get a picture of what is present for you, and help you articulate what physical and/or emotional challenges/desires are present for you in your life. 

The hands-on part of the session will follow, much like a verbal conversation but through touch.

We can do this while sitting, standing, lying down on a massage table or standing, or in movement.

I will help you explore ways to release physical, emotional, and mental tension which you may be holding, so that you can experience yourself in a more integrated and relaxed way.

Combining bodywork and talking therapy helps you to finetune your body awareness and direct your energy and release unnecessary tension, especially when you are under pressure, or wanting to achieve your goals.

At the end of each session there is time for you to rest on your own to let your body and mind process. I will return to the virtual/real room to close the session with you together.

About Jan-Ming

As a child I grew up in London around multiple cultures, languages and belief systems, and was exposed to many perspectives of the world.  It taught me to notice the importance of empathy and compassion in a panoply of differing views. Growing up, I often found connection through dancing or playing music, which I started to do professionally – performing and teaching to support people’s creativity and expression.

Working as a musician, dancer and performance-maker, I became fascinated with body awareness and the communicative power of touch, to learn about ourselves and each other.  These things are a basic human need, yet so neglected in our education and society today. We may still engage in physicality and touch, but we may not be encouraged to connect it deeply to our thoughts, feelings or ideas. The body can remain repressed, mystified, inaccessible or unspoken.

With BODYSPOKEN, I want to flip this around. Here, in these sessions, we tap into our bodily intelligence while exploring verbal communication. Working with both can give us clarity, strength and empowerment into our goals, challenges and wishes in life.

Book Individual Sessions

The process :

~ 1 Book your free zoom consultation call to have any questions answered

~ 2 After your zoom call, book your initial in-person session to meet Jan-Ming and the work

~ 3 If the work is right for you, book yourself in to a process of regular sessions

Zoom consultation call  (15 minutes) ~ Free
Initial session (90 minutes) ~ £90
Regular sessions (60 minutes) ~ £75 per session (less than 22 days apart)
Any regular sessions more than 22 days apart (90 minutes) ~ £90 per session

“My body feels looser, happier, more fluid… I have more energy and vitality” – Sara Haq

If you wish to ask for a concession please make a request via email and Jan-Ming will see if it is within her reach

Introductory Group Workshops

What is Somatic Bodywork?

Book onto a group workshop to explore basic elements together

Upcoming workshops :
Introduction to Somatic Bodywork
Saturday 8th March 2025 from 11:30 – 14:00

Fresh Dance & Arts Centre, 44-46 Greenbank Rd, Greenbank, Bristol BS5 6EY

Early bird til 10 Feb £25 / Standard £35 / Supporter £45

Workshop Content (depending on rhythm and needs of the particular group)

~ Simple partner & group exercises introducing touch and presence as a communicative, empathetic tool

~ Be guided to connect to your own sensation and aliveness

~ Time to reflect alone with writing/drawing

~ Practice basic embodied skills to speak and listen to another with words, and beyond words

~ Tap into what you care about and long for, and feel what needs to be attended to

~ Observe Jan-Ming using touch, movement and conversation as a trauma-informed therapeutic practice