What is Somatic Bodywork?
Book onto a group workshop to explore basic elements together
Upcoming workshops :
Introduction to Somatic Bodywork
Saturday 8th March 2025 from 11:30 – 14:00
Fresh Dance & Arts Centre, 44-46 Greenbank Rd, Greenbank, Bristol BS5 6EY
Early bird til 10 Feb £25 / Standard £35 / Supporter £45
Workshop Content (depending on rhythm and needs of the particular group)
~ Simple partner & group exercises introducing touch and presence as a communicative, empathetic tool
~ Be guided to connect to your own sensation and aliveness
~ Time to reflect alone with writing/drawing
~ Practice basic embodied skills to speak and listen to another with words, and beyond words
~ Tap into what you care about and long for, and feel what needs to be attended to
~ Observe Jan-Ming using touch, movement and conversation as a trauma-informed therapeutic practice